Monday, May 15, 2006

I've been waiting for the inspiration to write something on this blog. Doesn't look like it's going to come so, I'll just write anyways.

The last two months have been hard in many ways. Not walking is the biggest followed ever too closely with losing my bike, staying in the hospital for a month and becoming even poorer than I was before the accident. However, as with most things, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

I'm about a week from walking. Baring any unexpected results on my next check up, I should be caning myself around until the strength returns to this Frankinsteined appendage. To help that along, I'm joining a gym where I'll work out with an Aussi buddy of mine as well as helping him with soccer class every Satuday. Strength and flexibility here I come.

Work is good and the hours just keep growing. So at least there's a little money coming in from my end.

Here's a few pictures to lose your lunch on...


B-Wizz said...

Damn. After months and months of waiting for a post, two in seemingly one day - unfortunate what it took to inspire you to post. I don't envy you, but I'm glad to hear that you're on your feet. That's an excellent x-ray pic. Have you ever seen the American show "House?" you should definitely go for the grumpy man with a cane thing that House has got.

Will said...
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Will said...

I've caught an episode or two of House. Once in a while thay'll show us Scrubs as well. The cane is a good idea. I've been looking for one downtown. Sometimes old guys'll have carved ones for little won.

Well hey, good to hear from you.
World cup's about to start.
My lady and I are about to surf red seas of Korean fanaticism. time to suit up... 대한민국...