Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Anyone out there listening to the news? Brandon, you're the only one who reads this, can you see any way Bush won't be Impeached? He still has two full years. Plenty of time to insult both parties into action. This blog was never intended for politicking, but damn, I got say something. Not much good has come in the last 5 years, though I was stunned by John Roberts when I watched the last day of the Senate confirmation hearings. Not one note, not one lean in to confirm with an aide; direct immediate responses to every question for, what, five days. Most impressive. All to easy did he make it look.

But nearly everything else, terror aside (at least upon our borders), he's botched. I feel I'm preaching to the quire, since I imagine you share this opinion. I feel it more outside of The US just through association. I've never not claimed I was an American, but the reaction differs considerably when I'm introduced alongside any of my fellow compadres. I sense strong opinions underlying new introductions. The words, Yew Ess strike cords on peoples emotions, good or bad. But from the news and through friendly stories it seems the world is getting progressively more frightening. Might be that I'm simply more aware of the dangers, or, and this is an equation I calculate more often, we are reaching a boiling point. Only so much can fit in the pot, eh?

For now it's off to shower and then work. The weather is getting uncomfortably cold. However, the sun is out now and I can hear the children down at the elementary school, which means it's just about time to go.
So take care and we'll chat soon.


B-Wizz said...

Well, I think we are either at a boiling point or nearing it. I think it's been too long coming, personally. I don't feel truly represented by ANYONE currently holding any office above small town local level. For the people by the people...

I actually don't think that Bush will be impeached. I think there are too many fall guys (and girls) and other ways to get around any true Q&A for the most powerful. Libby indicted? He'll plea bargain something and no one will have to answer any questions.

Bryan and Audrey said...

Hey buddy, just linked to your blog from mine, hope that's cool, hope you are doing well, Jensen.