Saturday, March 01, 2014


Is it really March 2014? These past three years have brought many changes and yet so much remains the same. Toddlers are now taller. Babies are terrible twoing. And Autumn starts elementary school on Monday. Hardly the first parent awed by a growing child, I'm still no less amazed. Her spirit is warm, accepting, and oh so innocent. She wonders, gazes and loves. Mischievous in the right amounts, yet understanding of moral responsibility.

Her ability to remain focused on a task is astonishing. The other day, Sun Shil gave Autumn a book of Chinese characters. A rather large book each page with one large Chinese character. Autumn spent the better part of a week copying each page onto individual slips of paper making a new book in the process. I think this stems from her absolute intrinsic adoration of books. She loves to read and can do in two languages! Though of course her Korean ability is far superior to reading in English.

We had a lot of fun over this past year. We went camping; She came with me to the Muju race; We started adventuring as a bike duo with her in on a pedal trailer. This summer, we are planning to do the entire Seoul to Busan river ride with this...

We can't wait! But first, first grade. Pictures to come of Mondays BIG DAY.

Friday, April 29, 2011


One more item must be added to the list created 12/25/10. The creation of my third daughter on 12/25/10. That's right, we're having another and yes, another girl. A special Christmas gift. Today was the first day I've seen our healthy little lady on the sonograph and she's developing perfectly. Of course my wife is still gunning for a boy and has already expressed her desire for a fourth. The next time's the charm apparently. We shall see what the vasectomist has to say about that. Well, I'm off to the mountain after a stop at the museum to check out the National Geographic decade of photos exhibit. Should be fun.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Take as much time off as I have and it's hard to know where to start.

Times are good. It's been a very generous year. I have a tremendous amount of respect and gratitude for my life in Korea and the Koreans that make it possible. This truly is a place of honest quality. Reconciling distance, ease of living, missing others and safety on the road has its trying moments, but the drawbacks of Korea hardly eclipse its enjoyments. So I thought I'd jot down a few.

1. waking to toddler kisses
2. cheering hikers as mountain bikers clip loose clothing and startle the unaware.
3. private lessons
4. setting ones own schedule
5. accepting or declining work
6. the acceptance of alcohol and its rightful place within society.
7. cops with little to do
8. mountains unbordered by fences
9. bike shop owners who charge half price to me and sometimes my friends
10. a wife who puts up with no bull shit from her husband
11. working
12. the occasional student interested in life's infinite possibilities
13. having time to ride
14. having friends to ride with
15. 2 months of vacation
16. Summer and winter programs
17. a big house for a couple years
18. a nice gift under the tree for my beautiful wife
19. speakers somewhere in shipping
20. the constant lesson in patients

I love this place.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

To all,

Hello one and well, most likely one. Today marks no special day; nothing significant has occurred to inspire me. I just felt it was time (actually, I feel this often) to write something, post a pic or two and include a couple vids. Maybe it's that I have the time to do so as I'm out of bed early. Maybe it's the ever approaching due date of baby #2 (no name as yet). Maybe it's just maybe. Whatever.

A quick update:

let's see... since my last quick update half a year ago (just photos) Bek has grow quite round. As a matter of fact, at that time we were still mostly unaware of Bek's pregnancy, Autumn was a few months into a teeterish walking existence and I was starting to sweat more during rides (no longer winter). I was also enjoying my first semester teaching university students to write and speak more fluently, a position I continue to enjoy part time out in the county. Here's a pic of the two building university, Daegu University of Foreign Studies, DUFS for short:

These were taken about the same time and I think capture the essence of this exceptional yet small higher learning facility. I say exceptional due only to the quality of student for whom I teach. Luckily for me, I was asked to instruct an advanced speaking and an academic writing course. Also fortunate is that for the three years prior to teaching at DUFS, Ive been able to work with a similarly high caliber group of students, though of a much younger age.

Now almost completing a year at DUFS, Im wishing I had a masters as theyve offered me a full time spot had I the credentials. Im looking to move on my from my post at Equip, the language academy mentioned above. I love the students and the almost unheard of opportunity to teach literature. But the hours and lack of vacation are beginning to ware hard upon family time. If I were to make the jump to a full time position at any of the numerous universities in Daegu, or Korea for that matter, between two and four months would be on offer for vacation, as well as a 16-18 hour teaching week.

Anyway, enough of teaching. Heres a couple videos of Autumn. She is growing far too fast. How fortunate we are to live in an age of countless tools to help capture time. Enjoy.

Thought Id also include a pic or two, plus a couple of vids of bike related stuff.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Video Treats

Looking through some recent home vids, I found this one of little Autumn and Bek. Enjoy

Friday, April 25, 2008

Bits and Bobs

I went looking back through my blog here and realized, there's not one picture of Beck. So before you go doubting her existence, here are a few photos of my lovely bride.

That bottle holding trick is really quite handy. Although, long moments of concentration will end sometime with a sudden, wild flaling of her arms, as if she only just realizes what she's doing. Yet, often she'll manage to hold on and relocate the nipple. She'll stare at it briefly and casually go back to eating. Amazing.

Here are a few shots from around our little corner of Daegu.

Autumn deep in concentration.

Spent April 5th in Seoul with a fantastic group of riders. These boys are fast flying Filthies. Was a great day and I can't wait to do it again. Here are a few photos. Enjoy.

No better way to start the day than with 2 litre bottles of Hite (Korean for Budweiser).

How brief the sensation of flying. Good thing Kevin's quick with the camera.

No one would do this, so I gave a demonstration to loosen up first drop anxieties.

Rock garden 101: Don't crash!